Monday, October 27, 2008

Argyle + Literotica.

So Sunday evening, I was sitting in the SUB down under (SUB = Student Union Building; down under = bottom floor) and we notice that there are these boxes stacked up next to the student organization mailboxes. Immediately, I observe that the pattern on the boxes were very reminiscent of argyle. Joyce comments that it's just one line of diamonds away from being a credible argyle pattern. I take out my iPhone and take a quick pic and ask Sam and Maddy to join Joyce for this photo op. Maddy looks inside the boxes and we found a bunch of these :

Like. These boxes were FILLED with these. 

R I D I C U L O U S .

Argyle boxes = erotic literature? Who would've thought?

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Argyle is the new blog.

My first day of Blogyling was successful. Also, I would like to point out that these past few pictures are all from the same day. So don’t go around saying I’m an outfit repeater, because I will not have any of that. The reason I wore argyle that particular day anyway, was because Greg and I planned on matching for our fake date evening. 

This is Greg. I know that he’s sensitive about having his name and picture up on the interwebz. Deal with it, Greg! If you’re friends with me, you have to accept the fact that I am always bloggin’. Here are some fun facts about Greg : he loves Jay-Z, quoting pop culture, hanging out with me and he will be naming his first daughter: America (after the country, not Ugly Betty).

The next order of business will be talking about one of my all-time favorite street names :

I took this picture this summer, when I was living in Los Angeles and working for Leah. I don’t really have anything significant to say about this street, except that the name RULES and that I used it once when I was playing Scattergories and the game called for a street name starting with an “A.” Which, about that particular game, Kenny (bestie) and I pwned.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Horrible example of argyle.

Thanks to my new friend, GregG, I now know what BAD argyle looks like. 

1. I hate pirates.
2. Argyle should NOT be on a t-shirt.

Argyle + Blog = Blogyle.

This is Nathan Jeffords, a new friend of mine. He is a fellow viscomrad and is in my illustration class this semester. We found out about our shared love for argyle a few weeks ago, a Wednesday, I believe. He was wearing that particular argyle sweater and I approached him, very interested in his style choice. He then proceeded to show me his argyle socks (props) and he told me about how Justin Timberlake recently was playing golf while sporting an argyle sweater. Thanks to google, I found the image Nathan was speaking of:

I mean, I've seen better argyle, but it was a nice attempt, JT. 

Later today, I saw Ben Sells! And he was definitely sporting the argyle. Don't we look cute?

Oh, and a shout out to my main man, Zach Paule for giving me the idea for the name of this blog, Blogyle.